Art Prints

Art Prints

rt Prints are perfect for bringing out the traditional “fine art” look in works. They are giclee printed using light-fade resistant archival pigment inks on acid-free, fine art matte paper for beautiful color reproduction, high contrast and high resolutions. The paper is 230gsm, has a 9.5mil thick base and is fingerprint and smudge resistant.



Art Prints are printed on fine art paper with a smooth, matte, neutral white surface. For concept art, illustrations and works that look more like traditional media, Art Prints are a fantastic way to showcase artwork.

How to choose between Art Posters and Art Prints

Art Posters and Art Prints are both produced on the same printers with the same archival pigment inks. Both offer extremely high quality output, but use different media that give different results.

Art Posters: Satin - A bit shiny

Art Prints: Matte - Not shiny


Art Posters are printed on premium satin paper. The semi-gloss surface works great for bringing out rich, vibrant colors and having a slight shine to the surface. For digital/CG works like 3D and concept art, we recommend Art Posters. Because we are so used to viewing digital/CG/3D works on backlit screens, the slight shine and rich colors bring out the works beautifully.


Art Prints are printed on fine art paper. It has a smooth, matte, neutral white surface that is smudge and fingerprint resistant. The natural looking matte surface is great for showcasing works where you want it to look more traditional and “fine art”-like. For concept art, illustrations and works mimicking traditional media, Art Prints are a great way to preserve that “fine art" look.